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I remember when I first saw you,

When I first heard the beating of your heart.

Thats when I realized...

What true love was.

I carried you for 9 months,

And with every anxious moment...

You were loved.

When I first heard you cry,

It brought tears to my eyes.

When they put you on my chest,

I just couldn’t believe you were mine.

They say kids can change your life,

And it is true...

Because you changed mine.

You brought light and meaning to my darkness,

You brought sparkles to my eyes.

Love at first sight,

I knew it was meant to be...

The best part of my days,

When you give me a hug and say...

I love you mommy.

You are what I live for,

In hopes i’m making you proud.

Because I know your making me proud,

3; strong and with an amazing personality...

As I watch you grow each day,

I cant help but think that one day you will be without me.

Even then- I will always walk beside you,

Guide you through tough times...

Always- mommy and angels of mine.

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